Life Change Begins Now

If someone asked you what’s your story
what would you say?

Maybe you’d start with where you’re from or how you were raised. Maybe you’d talk about what brought you to Boston, or where you went to college.  You might mention how you fell in love, or how you met your significant other. Maybe you’d describe some trauma or major life crisis that completely redefined the trajectory of your life. If you’re a parent, would you get out your phone and show off your family?  Maybe you’d tell us all about your career and passion projects.  Would you describe your failures and moments that you wish you could redo?

Most of us have chapters we’d rather not make mention of ever again. Perhaps you look at life and are a little shocked that you’ve ended up where you are.  Somehow and in some way, perhaps, you’ve landed in a place where you feel a little lost. Maybe you feel like you’ve made decisions that took you farther than you ever intended to go and cost you more than you were willing to pay.  Perhaps you did some things that cost you your stability and vision for your life.  If you were to try and narrate your story, if you’re honest, you’d find it blurry and hard to put into words out of fear or shame.

Your story is not over. It’s not too late to change the story you’ll tell one day.

There’s Good News
There’s Good News

It’s not too late to change the story you’ll tell one day. Regardless of what you’ve done (or haven’t done), your future is yet to be written. You have more people to do life with.  Your story has more of a difference to make.  There are more of life’s best experiences to have.  There are more victories to be had and more lessons to gain.  So whether or not you like your story’s plot so far, with God’s help, you can transform your story into one you’re proud to share.

Here’s One Way To Change Your Story

Do something different. If you don't yet, add actively participating in a good church to your life's rhythms and routines. Church will help you know God, find freedom, experience peace, and live with purpose.

Welcome to StoryHeights

This is your Invitation to a New Year Filled with Purpose, Community and Hope.

As the New Year dawns, we invite you to embrace a transformative addition to your routine: make attending StoryHeights Church a part of your weekly routine. Discover a loving community where every story matters and a church mission that helps you find God’s purpose for your life.

Regardless of your church background (or lack thereof), you are welcome to come check out our contemporary yet sacred church experience that every generation will enjoy and find meaningful.

There are so many benefits to making church a regular rhythm in your life.

Take Your Story to New Heights Today
Take Your Story to New Heights Today
Take the first step toward a more purposeful life. Join us for our services and come meet our community!  Your story matters, and we’d love to show you how God and a church community can elevate your life!

It's Your Story. Take it Higher.

Plan Your Visit

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