StoryHeights Conference is just around the corner. We are excited to offer this two day event on February 2-3, 2024 for the entire family. This conference is a space to connect with God in a deeper level through worship and prayer and by listening to some incredible speakers share their testimony. We can't IMAGINE anyone wanting to miss this!

Guest Speakers
Pastors Johnny & Kristy Green
Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Meet Johnny & Kristy Furlow-Green from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Recent newlyweds. Parents of 7 kids. Pastors. They’ve lived through life’s deepest moments of grief and now have a beautiful story of joy to share. They will bless and inspire you to believe God and hold on to what only you can imagine He can do in your hardest and darkest days.
Sneak Peak from a recent post from Kristy…
About 5 weeks before Clay passed, John came to visit. The three of us sat in our bedroom and talked. They had been best friends since they were both 11 years old! So, they had a lifetime of memories.
If you knew Clay, and knew how much he adored me, you can appreciate that what I’m about to tell you is truly miraculous. When John left the room that day, Clay looked over at me, paused, and said these words…
“I think it would be amazing if you end up with John one day. He is the best man I have ever known.”
I couldn’t believe he had the fortitude to speak these words, and honestly, it made me a little uncomfortable. Though (John’s wife) Roxanne’s prognosis was not good, I was still believing God for a miracle in her life. I quickly tried to change the subject, but he wouldn’t let me. He got serious and said it again, but this time added, “It’s important to me that you know I would be okay with this.”
I don’t have room here to elaborate on the emotions tied to that moment. What I can tell you is that God used Clay to give me freedom to later choose God’s plan for my life. Clay’s willingness to see it gave me the comfort I would need to walk in the purpose of God.
As Mary did, I hid this thought away in my heart. I was determined not to act on it. I love David’s words in Psalm 31, “My future is in your hands.” I pray them often. And I knew that if God intended for us to be together, He would lead us to each other.
And He did. In the perfect time. In the perfect way. Not exactly like I might have chosen, but just when we were both fully prepared and perfectly suited. Just when we were ready for ministry together. Just when our kids were ready. Just when.
And now, I look at this picture and I rejoice in the plan of God. What a beautiful family! What a powerful testimony!
I hope this encourages you today. God wants to give you what you need to say ‘yes’ to His plans.
He is trying to help you, not hurt you.
To lead you, not force you.
To love you, not punish you.
His plans for you are good. Listen for His voice. Watch for His hand. Don’t resist His help.
Be patient and let Him work His perfect work in your life.
Just imagine…
Ephesians 3:20 NIV
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Message From Pastor Tyler & Crystal Tullos
StoryHeights Conference (formerly entitled Kings & Priests) has always sought to gather and equip our church family to live in our full God-given authority and holiness as believers in Jesus Christ. Over the last ten years of gathering together at the beginning of each year after our corporate time of prayer and fasting, we have witnessed a mighty move of God in our lives, sparking a catalyst of change for good in our lives. People have been filled with Holy Spirit power, discovered gifts and callings, sharpened and matured, received deliverance from sin and oppressive struggle, experienced miracles and God in a whole new way. As we look towards the future and set our gaze into 2024, our vision remains unchanged.
Now, more than ever we need to pursue our Lord and Savior. We need to take time to take our eyes away from the temporal and move them to the eternal. We need to mature into people of deep faith, knowing God is working even when we can’t see or feel it. We need to set aside time to seek Him, draw near to Him and be in His presence. It is in His presence that we will discover all the good things God has for us, and develop a resolve that God is more than able in all things. Our families, churches and cities need us to be people who live by faith and who move in imaginative expectation, always believing God for the impossible and for what our eyes can’t see but know is waiting. God has more for you than you can even imagine! As it is written, no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. Can you even imagine?
With that said, we extend to you an invitation to StoryHeights Church Conference 2024, “Imagine”. We pray that this conference will continue to be a milestone in your life, journey, calling and experience.
We are committed to presenting a powerful and God-breathed conference that will fill and inspire you, no matter what milestone of your faith journey you find yourself at. This gathering is an opportunity for your soul to be refreshed by the Holy Spirit, as we lift up the Name of Jesus together. You’ll receive incredible teaching by people who have lived through life’s darkest moments, believed God in faith for greater days, and received from Him what only they could imagine. You will walk away with your faith on fire believing in God for more than you can ask, think or even imagine!
We are excited and expectant for next year and hope you will join us for the start of a new decade of gathering together as StoryHeights Church for a special move of God.
With love,
Tyler & Crystal Tullos

A Conference for the Whole Family
KIDS Conference is for all children through 4th grade. Kids will have an incredible time as they deepen their relationship with God, make friends for life, and have so much fun along the way. The kids’ conference will be full of games, friendship, music and FUN! Our age group programs will engage your kids as they learn all about Jesus with unforgettable moments that may change their lives forever!
Children will not be allowed into the sanctuary during any session, and must register for each session they will attend.
Students in 5th grade and up will participate in the conference together with adults and will have a special social outing during Saturday.
Take advantage of our Family Discount
Register 2 adults and 1 child at full price, and receive the second, third and fourth KIDS Conference and/or Youth registration at 50% off. Eligible to immediate family only. Must be completed in the same transaction.
Session 1 – 6:30-8:30pm
Enjoy a Seated Dinner with Worship & the incredible story of our Guest Speakers
Session 2 – 10am-12pm
You’ll experience unforgettable worship by the StoryHeights Worship Team, altar moments with communion, and teaching by our guest speakers
12-5pm – Break. 5th-12th graders are invited to attend the youth group’s separate outing during this time.
Session 3: 5-8pm
You’ll experience unforgettable worship by the StoryHeights Worship Team, altar moments with communion, and teaching by our guest speakers. Then stick around for a must-have afterparty complete with all your favorite snacks and fun!
Date & Venue
StoryHeights Conference 2024, February 2-3rd will be hosted at our church building at 1037 Chestnut St. in Newton.