You ever feel like you just need a win? Did you know that one of God’s greatest miracles is turning our losses into wins? Pastor Steve Engstrand illustrates a moving picture of Jesus’ unfaltering resolve. In the face of his arrest, Jesus’ surrender to God’s will amidst betrayal was a powerful example of staying committed to a higher purpose, no matter the adversity. Daily, we must trust in our identity as children of God, tapping into the power Jesus demonstrated and asking God to help us be faithful servants. As we align our trust with God’s character, we are led to fulfill our true purpose.

This message reminds us to:

  • View losses as part of our greater testimony.
  • Embrace challenges with the attitude of surrender that Jesus modeled.
  • Trust in our God-given identity every day.
  • Adopt Jesus’ attitude and perspective, aligning our thoughts with His.

Let’s remember that our setbacks are integral to our testimonies and can profoundly impact those around us.